in Print
Category: Fiction
Last update: Friday, 17 September 2010
Please note that I do not attempt to list ALL available Elvis printed matter; included are only Elvis books and some Elvis magazines that I personally own. I have attempted to categorise the titles of these Elvis publications. If you have comments or questions,
contact me.
Important message for writers and publishers!
Information listed:
Biggest Elvis; Kluge, P.F.; Vintage; 1997; 1998; 0 09 973891 0; English; Paperback; ;
(Thursday, 13 January 2000)
Chasing Elvis; Marcel, Glenn P.; The Invisible College Press; 2004; 2004; 1-931468-20-6; English; Paperback; Online Review;
(Thursday, 23 December 2004)
Elvis Over England; Hines, Barry; Michael Joseph Ltd; 1998; 1998; 0-7181-4118-0; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 8 July 1998)
Elvis Rising; Sloan, Kay and Pierce, Constance; Avon Books; 1993; 1993; 0-380-77216-7; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis Saves; Yancey, Bill; Xlibris Corporation; 1998; 1998; 0-7388-0086-4; English; Paperback; Online Review;
(Saturday, 17 October 1998)
Elvis, Jesus and Coca-Cola; Friedman, Kinky; Faber and Faber; 1993; 1994; 0-571-17192-3; English; Paperback; ;
(Sunday, 25 January 1998)
Elvissey; Womack, Jack; Tom Doherty Associates; 1993; 1993; 0-312-85202-9; English; Paperback; ;
(Friday, 1 August 1997)
Graced Land; Kalpakian, Laura; Constable and Company Limited; 1992; 1992; 0 09 471300 6; English; Hardback; ;
(Friday, 16 January 1998)
Kill Me Tender; Klein, Daniel; St Martin's Minotaur; 2000; 2000; 0-312-26187-X; English; Hardback; Online Review;
(Monday, 17 July 2000)
King; Schüller, Martin; Emons Verlag; 2002; 2002; 3-89705-254-7; German; Paperback; Online Review;
(Thursday, 25 July 2002)
Lips; Edwards, Byron; iUniverse; 2005; 2005; 0-595-67387-2; English; Hardback; Online Review;
(Wednesday, 21 September 2005)
Shooting Elvis; Eversz, R M; Macmillan; 1996; 1996; 0 333 66127 3; English; Hardback; ;
(Monday, 13 December 1999)
Tarzan Presley; Cox, Nigel; Victoria University Press (New Zealand); 2004; 2004; 0-86473-480-8; English; Paperback; Online Review;
(Wednesday, 7 July 2004)
Tender; Childress, Mark; Penguin; 1990; 1991; 0-14-014586-9; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
The Gospel Of Elvis; Laughlin, Bob; Dim Raft Publishing; 2000; 2000; ; English; Paperback; ;
(Sunday, 13 January 2008)
The King Is Dead; Shankman, Sarah; Pocket Books; 1992; 1993; 0-671-73460-1; English; Paperback; ;
(Friday, 24 July 1998)
The King Is Dead; Sammon, Paul M. (editor); Delta; 1994; 1994; 0-385-31253-9; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
The Minstrel; Benson, Bernard; G.P. Putman's Sons; 1977; 1978; 399-12250-8; English; Hardback; ;
(Thursday, 2 March 2000)
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Titles listed by date included in Elvis In Print can be found here!
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