in Print
Category: Tattle tales
Last update: Friday, 17 September 2010
Please note that I do not attempt to list ALL available Elvis printed matter; included are only Elvis books and some Elvis magazines that I personally own. I have attempted to categorise the titles of these Elvis publications. If you have comments or questions,
contact me.
Important message for writers and publishers!
Information listed:
Are You Lonesome Tonight?; de Barbin, Lucy and Dary Matera ; Arrow Books; 1987; 1988; 0 09 956930 2; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Don't Ask Forever; Bova, Joyce & William Conrad Nowels; Kensington Books; 1994; 1994; 0-8217-4616-2; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis and Me; Presley, Priscilla Beaulieu with Sandra Harmon; G. P. Putman's Sons; 1985; 1985; 0-399-12984-7; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis What Happened?; West, Red and Sonny, Dave Hebler, with Steve Dunleavy; Ballantine Books; 1977; 1989; 0-345-30635-X; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis, My Brother; Stanley, Bill with George Erikson; Robert Hale; 1989; 1990; 0-7090-4142-X; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis: Precious Memories; Early, Donna Presley and Edie Hand with Lynne Edge; The Best of Times, Inc.; 1997; 1997; 1-800-628-0903; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Elvis: We Love You Tender; Presley, Dee, Billy, Rick & David with Martin Torgoff; New English Library; 1980; 1981; 0 450 05135 8; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Good Rockin' Tonight; Esposito, Joe and Oumano, Elena; Simon & Schuster; 1994; 1994; 0-671-79507-4; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
I Called Him Babe; Cocke, Marian J.; Memphis State University Press; 1979; 1979; 0-87870-053-6; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
I, Lisa Marie; Presley, Lisa Marie (aka Lisa Johansen); not indicated; 2000(?); 2000(?); none; English; Hardback; Online Review;
(Friday, 24 October 2003)
If I Can Dream: Elvis's Own Story; Geller, Larry and Joel Spector with Patricia Romanowski; Century; 1989; 1989; 0-7126-3008-2; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
In The Twilight of Memory; Juanico, June; Little, Brown and Company; 1997; 1997; 1-55970-393-8; English; Hardback; ;
(Monday, 12 March 2001)
In The Twilight of Memory; Juanico, June; Little, Brown and Company; 1997; 1997; 0-316-63967-2; English; Hardback; ;
(Monday, 1 December 1997)
Inside Elvis; Parker, Ed; Rampart House Ltd; 1978; 1978; 0-89773-000-3; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Kóngurinn Elvis; Esposito, Joe og Elena Oumano; Sane Töregärd Agency (Karlshamm, Sweden); 1995; 1995; 9979-9218-0-3; Icelandic; Hardback; ;
(Friday, 24 July 1998)
Life With Elvis; Stanley, David; Fleming H. Revell Company; 1986; 1986; 0-8007-1490-3; English; Hardback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
Me And A Guy Named Elvis; Schilling, Jerry with Chuck Crisafulli; Gotham Books; 2007; 2007; 978-1-592-40305-9; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 6 May 2009)
Me'n Elvis; Hodge, Charlie with Charles Goodman; Castle Books; 1988; 1988; ; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
My Life With Elvis; Yancey, Becky and Cliff Linedecker; St. Martin's Press, New York; 1977; 1977; 0-312-55834-1; English; Hardback; ;
(Friday, 1 November 2002)
The Boy Who Would Be King; Greenwood, Earl and Kathleen Tracy; Signet; 1990; 1991; 0-451-17039-3; English; Paperback; ;
(Wednesday, 1 January 1997)
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